Elizabeth Cameron Allangrange Prints Tel: 01752 845297 Mob: 07785 714800

Featuring the paintings of Elizabeth Cameron with Limited Edition Prints, Canvases, Books and quality Table Mats and Jigsaws

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Books and Cards
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Allangrange Prints

Retail Price List

Allangrange Prints in temporarily closed.

For trade prices, please phone 01752 845297 or email us.

Prints - Latest Releases    Unmounted

View ImageHelebore 'White Magic' 490 x 390 mm Limited Edition of 75£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTulip Pink Diamond 555 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 75£95.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Vegetables    Unmounted

View ImageAsparagus 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 350£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFresh Garlic 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFennel 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Onions 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBrown Onions 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLeeks 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageDried Garlic 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBeetroot 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCelery 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePotatoes 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTurnip 353 x 470 mm Limited Edition of 800£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCarrots 355 x 470 mm Limited Edition of 800£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCabbage 570 x 570 mm Limited Edition of 500£75.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBrussel Sprouts 495 x 585 Limited Edition of 500£50.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePak Choi 420 x 295 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageOkra 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAubergine 420 x 295 mm Limited Edition of 350£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageChilli 420 x 295 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageArtichoke 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCourgette 420 x 295 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBroadbeans 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Peppers 420 x 295 mm Limited Edition of 350£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePeas 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTomatoes 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhubarb 570 x 770 mm Limited Edition of 500£110.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Rhododendron    Unmounted

View ImageRhododendron Lindleyi 451 x 369 mm Limited Edition of 700£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhododendron Nobleanum 451 x 368 mm Limited Edition of 700£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhododendron Thomsonii 495 x 590 mm Limited Edition of 500£50.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhododendron Cinnabarinum 450 x 320 mm Limited Edition of 700£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhododendron Ciliatum 450 x 321 mm Limited Edition of 700£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Spring Flowers    Unmounted

View ImagePrimula 'Pale Blue' 240 x 290 mm Limited Edition of 500£25.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePrimula Vulgaris 240 x 290 mm Open Edition£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageNarcissus 395 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 800£50.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTulip Pink Diamond 555 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 75£95.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCyclamen Hybrid 305 x 406 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSnowdrop 255 x 255 mm Limited Edition of 800£35.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Wild Flowers    Unmounted

View ImageHarebells 305 x 405 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageEnglish Bluebell 305 x 405 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
View ImageJuly Meadow Flowers 225 x 265 mm Limited Edition of 500£20.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCowslip 305 x 405 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageOxslip 305 x 406 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageJuly Hedgerow Flowers 225 x 265 mm Limited Edition of 500£20.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageDandelion 305 x 407 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSpear Thistle 305 x 405 mm Limited Edition of 500£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Clematis    Unmounted

View ImageBlue Clematis 556 x 408 mm Limited Edition of 100£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePink Clematis 610 x 490 mm Limited Edition of 100£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Magnolias    Unmounted

View ImageMagnolia Grandiflorum 556 x 408 mm Limited Edition of 100£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageMagnolia Leonard Messel 405 x 405 mm Limited Edition of 75£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageMagnolia Grandiflora Head 490 x 390 Limited Edition of 100£80.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Poppies    Unmounted

View ImageRed Papaver Goliath 495 x 590 mm Limited Edition of 800£80.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePapaver Orientale 495 x 590 mm Limited Edition of 500£80.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePoppy "Mrs Perry" 395 x 555 mm Limited Edition of 75£95.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Sweetpeas    Unmounted

View ImagePink Sweet Pea 340 x 495 mm Limited Edition of 800£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageMauve Sweet Pea 340 x 495 mm Limited Edition of 800£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Auriculas    Unmounted

View ImageAuricula Adrian 280 x 208 mm Limited Edition of 75£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAuricula Prague 280 x 208 mm Limited Edition of 75£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePrimula Auricula Hybrid 345 x 430 mm Limited Edition of 500£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePrimula Auricula 'CG Hayson' 345 x 430 mm Limited Edition of 500£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Iris    Unmounted

View ImageIris 'Godfrey Owen' 305 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 500£70.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
View ImageIris 'Bruno' 305 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 500£70.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
View ImageIris 'Song of Norway' 305 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 500£70.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
View ImageIris Jesse's Song 395 x 555 Limited Edition of 100£95.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageIris Xiphium 390 x 490 Limited Edition of 100£85.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Lilies    Unmounted

View ImageLilium 'Limelight' 380 x 495 mm Limited Edition of 350£50.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLilium 'Apricot' 380 x 495 mm Limited Edition of 350£50.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Paeony    Unmounted

View ImagePaeony Rockii 570 x 410 mm Limited Edition of 75£95.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePaeony 'Bowl of Beauty' 390 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 850£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePaeony 'Instituteur Doriat' 390 x 560 mm Limited Edition of 850£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Hellebore    Unmounted

View ImageHelebore 'White Magic' 490 x 390 mm Limited Edition of 75£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHelleborus Niger 490 x 390 mm Open Edition£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHelleborus Niger - Small 292 x 292 mm Limited Edition of 850£35.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Violets and Violas    Unmounted

View ImageViola Rebecca 245 x 275 mm Limited Edition of 700£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageWild Violets 275 x 345 mm Limited Edition of 700£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageViola Labradorica 245 x 275 mm Limited Edition of 700£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageVase of Viola 290 x 355 mm Limited Edition of 850£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Flowers - Various    Unmounted

View ImageYellow Summer Border 180 x 180 mm Open Edition£20.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTulip Tree 490 x 390 Limited Edition of 100£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePink Summer Border 180 x 180 mm Open Edition£20.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHydrangea - pink 425 x 630 mm Limited Edition of 100£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAquilegia Hybrids 555 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 700£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAgapantha Praecox 555 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 700£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageNerine Bowdenii 555 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 700£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSunflower 770 x 570 mm Limited Edition of 500£110.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAbutilon Vitifolium Alba 490 x 390 mm Open Edition£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHellebore Niger 490 x 390 Open Edition£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLarge Romneya 770 x 570 mm Limited Edition of 300£110.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSmall Romneya 400 x 340 mm Limited Edition of 25o£45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageMecanopsis Grandis 455 x 585 mm Limited Edition of 500£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePelargonium - Bright 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePelargonium - Pale Pink 295 x 420 mm Limited Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHydrangea - Small Blue 295 x 420 mm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCamelia Charlotte de Rothschild 400 x 340 mm Limited Edition of 75£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Fruits and Berries    Unmounted

View ImageApple 300 x 300 mm Open Edition£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePear 300 x 300 mm Open Edition£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePeach 300 x 300 mm Open Edition£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageStrawberry 265 x 321 mm Limited Edition of 850£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRaspberry 265 x 321 mm Limited Edition of 850£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageApple with Mouse 200 x 160 mm Open Edition£15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhubarb 570 x 770 Limited Edition of 500£110.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageHawthorn or May Tree 255 x 330 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageDog Rose 255 x 330 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSloe or Blackthorn 255 x 330 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Fungi    Unmounted

View ImageCep or Penny Bun 330 x 396 mm Limited Edition of 800£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageOrange Birch Bolette 330 x 396 mm Limited Edition of 800£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRussula Lepida 330 x 256 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageShaggy Ink Cap 330 x 255 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Zodiacs    Unmounted

View ImageAries 21 Mar - 20 Apr 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTaurus 21 Apr - 21 May 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageGemini 22 May - 21 Jun 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCancer 22 Jun - 23 Jul 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLeo 24 Jul - 23 Aug 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageVirgo 24 Aug - 23 Sep 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLibra 24 Sep - 23 Oct 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageScorpio 24 Oct - 22 Nov 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSagittarius 23 Nov- 21 Dec 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCapricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAquarius 21 Jan - 19 Feb 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePisces 20 Feb - 20 Mar 51 x 48 cm Open Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Prints - Roses    Unmounted

View ImageRose from Chelsea Hospital 292 x 292 mm £45.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRose Shot Silk 450 x 350 mm Limited Edition of 75£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRose Etoile d'Holland 295 x 420 Limited Edition£40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRosa Gallica Versicolor 290 x 395 mm Limited Edition of 500£30.00blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints

Canvases - Vegetables    Also available stretched on a frame: £175 (530 x 590mm), £120 (300 x 390mm), £100 (300 x 300mm), please enquire.

View ImageAsparagus 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFresh Garlic 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFennel 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Onions 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBrown Onions 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLeeks 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageDried Garlic 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBeetroot 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCelery 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePotatoes 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSavoy Cabbage 590 x 530 mm Rolled canvas£150.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCauliflower 590 x 530 mm Rolled canvas£150.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePak Choi 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageOkra 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAubergine 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageChilli 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageArtichoke 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCourgette 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBroadbeans 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Peppers 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePeas 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTomatoes 300 x 390 mm Rolled canvas£90.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRhubarb 585 x 790mm Rolled only£250.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Canvases - Fruit    Also available stretched on a frame: £175 (530 x 590mm), £120 (300 x 390mm), £100 (300 x 300mm), please enquire.

View ImageApple 270 x 270 mm Rolled canvas£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePeach 270 x 270 mm Rolled canvas£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePear 270 x 270 mm Rolled canvas£70.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Canvases - Flowers    Also available stretched on a frame: £175 (530 x 590mm), £120 (300 x 390mm), £100 (300 x 300mm), please enquire.

View ImageAquilegia Hybrids 530 x 590 mm Rolled canvas£100.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAgapantha Praecox 530 x 590 mm Rolled canvas£100.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageNerine Bowdenii 530 x 590 mm Rolled canvas£100.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSunflower and Butterfly 530 x 590 mm Rolled canvas£100.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Papaver Goliath 530 x 590 mm Rolled canvas£100.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Books and Cards - Rhododendron Book

View ImageBook of Rhododendrons Limited Edition of 500£250.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Books and Cards - Flower Booklets

Booklet of Violets £15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
Booklet of Thistles £15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
Booklet of Geraniums £15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Books and Cards - Christmas Cards

Pack of 3 Christmas Cards 148 x 210 mm ivy, holly and mistletoe£6.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Books and Cards - Flower Cards

Iris 148 x 210 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
Honeysuckle 148 x 210 mm £2.50blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
Gentian 148 x 210 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
Hydrangea 148 x 210 mm £2.50blankFew Left
Allangrange Prints
Mounted Flower Card Not signed£12.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Books and Cards - Zodiac Cards

View ImageAries 21 Mar - 20 Apr 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTaurus 21 Apr - 21 May 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageGemini 22 May - 21 Jun 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCancer 22 Jun - 23 Jul 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLeo 24 Jul - 23 Aug 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageVirgo 24 Aug - 23 Sep 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLibra 24 Sep - 23 Oct 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageScorpio 24 Oct - 22 Nov 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSagittarius 23 Nov - 21 Dec 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCapricorn 22 Dec - 20 Jan 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAquarius 21 Jan - 19 Feb 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePisces 20 Feb - 20 Mar 210 x 148 mm £2.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Table Mats: Vegetables

View ImageArtichoke 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAsparagus 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFennel 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageChilli 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Pepper 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCourgette 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSavoy Cabbage 230 x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCauliflower 230. x 230 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Table Mats: Fruit

View ImageQuince 255 x 255 Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageApple 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePear 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePeach 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageStrawberry 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRaspberry 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Table Mats: Fungi

View ImageParasol Mushroom 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageShaggy Parasol 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBrown Birch 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageShaggy Inkcap 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFly Agaric 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRussula Lepida 255 x 255 mm Table Mat£7.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Coasters: Vegetables

View ImageArtichoke 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAsparagus 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFennel 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageChilli 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRed Pepper 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCourgette 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSavoy Cabbage 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCauliflower 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Coasters: Fruit

View ImageQUINCE 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAPPLE 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePEAR 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePEACH 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSTRAWBERRY 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRASPBERRY 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Coasters: Fungi

View ImagePARASOL MUSHROOM 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSHAGGY PARASOL 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageBROWN BIRCH 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSHAGGY INKCAP 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFLY AGARIC 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageRUSSULA LEPIDA 102 x 102 mm Coaster£4.50blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Tableware - Servers

View ImageSAVOY CABBAGE 380 x 280 mm Server£15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCAULIFLOWER 380 x 280 mm Server£15.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Jigsaws - Wooden (quirky pieces)

View ImageHydrangea Heads 250 pieces Standard: Fiendish£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageFuschia Annabelle 250 pieces Standard: Difficult£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePoppies in barley field 250 pieces Standard: Fiendish£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSmall Helliborus 200 pieces Standard: Difficult£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageMichaelmas Daisy 200 pieces Standard: Difficult£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageViola Maggie Mott 200 pieces Standard: Fiendish£25.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePoppy 250 pieces Standard: Fiendish£30.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Jigsaws - Zodiac Jigsaws

View ImageAquarius 21st Jan - 19th Feb£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImagePisces 20th Feb - 20th Mar£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageAries 21st Mar - 20th Apr£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageTaurus 21st Apr - 21st May£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageGemini 22nd May - 21st June£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCancer 22nd June - 23rd July£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLeo 24th July - 23rd Aug£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageVirgo 24th Aug - 23rd Sep£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageLibra 24th Sep - 23rd Oct£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageScorpio 24th Oct - 22nd Nov£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageSagittarius 23rd Nov - 21st Dec£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCapricorn 22nd Dec - 21st Jan£17.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Jigsaws - Acrylic Jigsaws

View ImageSavoy Cabbage 320 x 300mm £40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints
View ImageCauliflower 320 x 300mm £40.00blankPrints
Allangrange Prints

Price does not include postage.

We cannot guarantee that the colours displayed on your screen are as vibrant as or the same shade as the actual print. The images are not to scale.

Allangrange Prints, Wayton House, Landulph, Saltash, Cornwall PL12 6QQ Tel: 01752 845297 Mob: 07785 714800
(c) 26th February 2024

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